We've redesigned the site for two
reasons. First, to make it look better and easier to work
with. And second, to be more flexible to allow us to post more
content on it. So this is just the beginning. Soon, we'll be
having a complete timeline of the events that led up to the Pearl Harbor
attack, a huge gallery of pictures taken before, during and after the
attack including a description of each, and within these next few days,
we're going to be releasing several stories from Pearl Harbor survivors.
Not only that, but our series 'Pearl Harbor Remembered' by Roger Hare
will continue to be released every weekend. This week, we present,
'Battle of Honolulu', an in-depth look at people's reactions during the
attack from both sides, the Americans and the Japanese. Click here
to check that our or be sure to visit the 'Pearl
Harbor Remembered' section for more articles.
Also, as we bring you all this information, we're looking for you guys
out there interested in helping out the historical community, by providing
us with your stories, or your relative's stories about Pearl Harbor.
And, we're also looking for those interested on helping out with the
development of this site. So, if you have any stories to share with
us, any ways you think you can help out, or just general comments and
questions, you can contact us at ovi@cinemenium.com.